Wednesday, July 4, 2012

America: Land Of The Free And Home Of The Offended

So... I thought I would use the excuse of our nation's birthday to mention that political correctness is kinda fucking us up.  At least... That's what I think.

The First Amendment gives all Americans the right to free speech.  But as political correctness grows and grows and more and more people become offended over trite things.  To me I suppose it doesn't matter if someone calls me "white" or "caucasian" or whatever the fuck else you can call a white person.  I know what I am and I really don't give two shits what other people call me.  But, then again, that's just me.

I'm not saying that it's okay to insult people. I'm just saying that it's silly to dwell on whether or not someone is "black" or "African American". (side note - I think an "African American" is someone who IMMIGRATED DIRECTLY TO THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR LIFETIME from Africa.  Just like an Irish American is someone who immigrated from Ireland.  Or any person who came to this country from another.  Period.)

You can't say anything without offending someone.  You can't say Merry Christmas.  Now it's happy holidays.  Why?  Cause not everyone celebrates Christmas.  You can't say Happy Birthday, cause there are certain religions where people don't celebrate their birthdays.  You can't say black or Indian, or Mexican or gay or poor or rich or any other damn thing that might rub one person that wrong way.  This country has become so caught up with the petty bullshit, that we've forgotten what originally made our country great.  Helping each other.  Loving our fellow man or woman.  Fighting for a common cause to grow and be, not the country that most other countries can't stand, but the one that others strive to be like.

We've lost sight of the most important things... That All Men Are Created Equal.  ALL.  Not just this group or that group.  ALL.  All citizens of this country should be given the same rights.  The right to marry and grow as a family and worship whatever god they feel is there without that fear of someone saying "oh, no honey!  You're wrong!  This is MY way and MY way is the ONLY way and I'm right and if you don't do this then you'll face an eternity in HELLLLLLLLLLL."  Well, fuck you too, then.

 I just don't get all the whole politically correct shit.  I really really don't.  Not a bit.  Oh well.  Perhaps one day someone will actually give me an explanation that makes sense.  And doesn't involve the words "oh well this person or that group of people might be upset or offended if you do this or say that."

Scooter Out.