Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Secrets Don't Make Friends

I'm an avid follower of PostSecret.  And sometimes I wonder if keeping our deepest secrets to ourselves might be detrimental to our health.  We constantly stress of who know what about us and who they're going to tell.  So I'm gonna tell on myself.  I'm going to list a few of my deepest, darkest secrets.  And I encourage all of you to do the same.

  1. I have tried to kill myself 5 different times.
  2. I am terrified of spiders, roaches, falling from great heights, and clowns.
  3. I am currently attracted to a man.
  4. I am afraid to tell my friends about my attraction to a man for fear that they won't accept me, since most of them are gay.
  5. I am terrified of drunk people.  Men in particular.
  6. I was in love with another woman while I was engaged to my fiance.
  7. I have a weak heart.  And occasionally it skips a beat or two.
  8. I don't really have my future figured out yet. 
  9. I get EXTREMELY annoyed when people don't use correct spelling and grammar.
  10. Sometimes my temper really scares me.
So... There you go.  Ten of my secrets out for you to know.  What's the point of keeping secrets anyways?  Most people's secrets are things that they're ashamed or embarrassed of.  But why?  Because society has put the pressure on every human to be "perfect".  There is no such thing as perfect.  We are all perfectly flawed.  Every single one of us.  But the pressure towards perfection is on us.

I want to put a new pressure on you.  Expose 3 secrets.  Just 3.  See if you feel a little lighter after that.  :) 

And remember... "Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart. If we could just remember this, I think there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in the world.” - Frank Warren.
Scooter Out.

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