Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Contest Has Come To A Halt!!!

For those of you who have been following, we've been playing a round of Guess Scooter's Name here on this blog!  I vowed to do the big reveal on March 6th, but it seems we've had someone guess!!

In this comment lies truth!!!  So I must live up to my promise.  Upon completion of the prize owl stuffy, I will inquire after a place to mail it to!

Congrats, love!!

Scooter Out.


  1. AH MA GAWD!

    No way!! :o I won :D *excited happy dance*

    But... I still don't know your name. :P Is it all of them? :D

    1. Bahahaha!!! Nope! I'll reveal. Soon. :) Just not right now. Must think of creative way to do this. Lol. Congrats, yo!

  2. I was going for Anne with an E like Anne of Green Gables.

    W. :)

    1. Well, my middle name is Ann. But with NO e. :P So you were halfway there! :D
