Saturday, September 24, 2011

Born this way or a subconcious choice?

I'm going to address the issue of homosexuality.  And, no, that is not all I talk about, and I'm not some psycho radical lesbian trying to promote her own agenda.  It just happens to be on my mind at the time, so stop stereotyping me and open your mind. 

I've been told that I chose to be gay, whether i realize it or not.  I've been told that I'm seeking attention.  I've been told that due to the fact that I grew up in a house with a belligerent male alcoholic that I'm traumatized by men and can't mentally handle being with one.  I've been told that I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that a bit of psychotherapy would fix.  I've been told that God can cure me if I ask Him to.  I've been told that I have a genetic mutation due to all the pesticides and fertilizers and steroids used on the food we all consume.  I chose to believe that I was just born this way.  Whatever the reason may be, I am gay.  But I'm very obviously not the only homosexual human.  And humans are not the only homosexual species.  Let me explain...

Current biological research tells us that many animal species exhibit homosexual, bisexual, and even transgender behavior.  In 2007, Peter Backman set forth the theory that no species has been found that didn't exhibit some form of homosexual behavior, except those that do not have sex, such as sea urchins and aphids.  So why do some people say it's against nature if it's all over nature??  Let's take a step further and talk about gender.

Any person who has ever seen the movie Jurassic Park knows that "some West African frogs have been know to spontaneously change sex from male to female in a single-sex environment".  Which is quite true.  There are also several sea-dwelling creatures (i.e. - fish and several species of mollusk) that can do the same thing.  So why is it considered wrong and strange if a human being wants to change his or her gender?  Maybe the genetic mutation isn't in the gay and transgender population.  May the genetic mutation is in ALL of us.  What if we were originally able to change gender as well?  What if, considering that nearly all species on the earth exhibit some kind of homosexual behavior, we were all meant to understand and embrace it?  What id Plato was right when he wrote his Symposium which included Aristophanes's speech.  if you have never heard the story, I will post it below:

One upon a time, many years ago, every person was double.  Two humans, joined back to back that moved across the land foot over hand doing cartwheels.  These double people had the strength of two and were swift as they moved.  One day, these double people decided to ascend Mount Olympus and war with the gods.  Zeus, the king of the gods, became angry.  As punishment, the double people were split in two to form what we know at humans today.  We are now slower and weaker, and not only that, we spend our lives looking for out "other half".  Now, there were three genders of these double people:  the all-male, the all-female, and the androgynous, which was one male and one female.  This was the story to explain why some lovers are straight, and others gay.  this story has always made sense to me because it seems fair. 

I'm sure I'm going to get looked at funny for this defense of homosexuality, especially considering that I am a Christian.  But, aren't we all made in the image of God?  Murderers and rapists and pedophiles and thieves.... The Bible says ALL are made in the image of God.  Not just straight people.  Not just nice people.  All of us.  But God gave us a free will to let us chose him or not chose Him ans we are of a sinful nature.  So instead of spending so much time judging each other for our differences, why don't we stop and look at our similarities?  Take the time to replace hate and judgement with love and acceptance?  It's a lovely concept when you think about it.  But who will step up to the challenge?  Who will honestly try to look at others from a point of familiarity instead of strangeness?  I pray we all do someday.

Scooter Out.

1 comment:

  1. Scooter, that was so deep that I'm not sure I can dig myself out. :-) I think all of that was very good. And you are an awesome writer!
    later MMJ
