Thursday, September 22, 2011


I suppose I'll take up this first blog post to do the egotistic and stereotypical thing of telling about myself.

I refuse to post my name, so anyone can call me Scooter.  I'm 22 years old and I was born, raised, and still live in Columbus Georgia.  I'm a lesbian as well as a regular church-goer.  Call it an oxymoron or even a sin if you want, by my soul means just as much as any other Christian's soul.  So.... Deal with it, bigot. 

I'm not in school but I hope to start back in the Spring.  My ambition is to become a high school literature teacher.  I currently live with my parents, and if you think that's funny or pitiful, I dare you to leave your mom in $20,000 worth of debt and a broken leg.  I live there to help them.  Not because I'm a bum.  I work.  I pay their bills and my own.  I'll leave when I'm no longer needed.

I love music.  I listen to it as much as humanly possible.  I love to sing.  I fiddle around with the guitar, but I'm not very good.  I get my love of music from my father.  I also love art.  I can be found frequently at one of the museums in town.  And reading is one of the most important things to me.  I value my books.  If my house was on fire I'd probably get hurt trying to save them.  I pray my dog would be intelligent enough to get herself out the door, but I'm REALLY not sure about that....

I'm directionally inept.  I only know one (maybe two) way to get anywhere.  I don't know street names.  I don't follow directions very well.  Basically..... I get lost.  A lot.  Even in my own city.  Which I know is sad, but I can't afford a GPS.  If you want to send me one, I'll be more than happy to accept it. 

I have a vicious temper.  I'm actually a really nice person until you make me mad.  And if you've actually pushed me to the point of being mad, then you deserve whatever punishment you get.  I'm extremely difficult to anger or offend.  I've been called nearly every name you could think of, so stupid crap like that doesn't bother me anymore.   So it takes something pretty huge to make me mad. 

I don't drink much.  I've never been drunk.  Go ahead and throw the BS card... Most people do.  But it's the truth.  I've NEVER been drunk.  I don't smoke.  It disgusts me.  I've never done any type of drug.  Ever.  I'm a pretty good person.  I don't tolerate drama or BS that heavy drinking and drug use brings.  I've seen it.  Most everyone in my family is an addict, and I don't feel the need to destroy myself and my loved ones that way.

Well.... I guess that's pretty much everything.  I'm overly sarcastic, so I accidentally offend people.  I want to apologize now if anything I ever say offends anyone.  But.... Then again..... If my blogs offend you.... Don't read them. 

Scooter Out.


  1. That was very good. I'm gonna enjoy reading your blogs, did I noticed that you want ur name kept hush hush? Wow I'm so excited that your on here now! alright Scooter see ya later! 
