Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 12

Well, today is my Friday and I'm grateful for that.  I'm also quite grateful for the rain and for the fact that I'm getting off early today.  Hobby Lobby here I come!  :D

Scooter Out.


  1. I'm going to pretend I didn't have to google what Hobby Lobby was :P

    I'm also going to pretend I wasn't filled with jealous rage when I learned it was an American store chain :P

    Really this comment is just a lot of pretending. I liked the picture. :D

  2. O_________O

    You no have Hobby Lobby??? This is an outrage!! EVERYONE must experince that which is the Lobby of Hobbies!! It's such a magical place.

    We should write the Hobby Lobby lords and demand they take their store chain world-wide! :D
