Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 15

I won't beat around the bush... I love food.  I think that's pretty obvious.  :P  So I won't even lie when I tell you that I ate the thing I am grateful for today before I even thought to take a picture of it.  So here's a nice Googled picture for you!! 

This morning I was blessed with a free doughnut!  AND juice!  Lol.  It's month-end here in our office, which means that another department gets to do something special and if there are left-overs, we get them.  There are never left-overs.  But, today, there were!  So woot woot for free breakfast!  :D

Scooter Out.


  1. Does this mean technically you opened your mouth before you opened your mind today?

    I mean, technically it was to stuff a doughnut in it. But still. :P

    1. O__________O
      ...mother of God....

      Yes. Yes it does.
