Monday, October 1, 2012

Holy Shit Honey Boo-Boo

I'm sure all of you have heard about the brain-dead sensation that's sweeping the nation.  It goes by the name Honey Boo-Boo.

This child is a 7-year-old pageant girl with a loud mouth, vicious gas, and (according to the TV show she now has) bad breath and NO manners.  She is 100% proof of my idea that people should be forced to undergo IQ testing before they are allowed to procreate.  This child is a disgrace to the word "Southern".

Now, normally, I will claim being Southern, as well as boast about it, but this entire family makes me embarrassed to be Southern.  Here are a few reasons why:

WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT ON NATIONAL TELEVISION?????  Actually.... Who the fuck says that AT ALL????

......................................Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.  Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I couldn't find an actual gif of the actual family actually doing this but.... They call this their "Local Department Store".  Apparently, they dumpster dive as a family quite often.  The appalling thing here is that Honey Boo-Boo admitted on national television that all of her clothing comes from the dumpster.

The way that these people look with pride on mediocrity and stupidity frightens me.  Is this what Americans really enjoy?  To be able to watch some of the stupidest people on the planet all act like retards and fart on TV?  Does anyone ever think that by giving this family their own show, this kind of behavior is being ENCOURAGED????

Moms, answer me this....  Would you rather your daughter grow up a bit of a quiet plain Jane who is smart and goes on to do something credible and useful with her life or would you rather raise a Honey Boo-Boo and think to yourself as you try to sleep at night "Well, she's not smart, polite, well-mannered, or clean, but at least she's a pageant girl!!"  Take your pick, moms.  

Our nation is running fast towards applauding families like this and shunning those that are filled with intelligent human beings.  

I'm JUST SAYING.....  Legalize mandated IQ testing before people are allowed to procreate.  DO ITTTTTT!!!!!

By the way....  With her volume and stupidity, this child would be useful for one thing that immediately comes to mind..... Zombie Bait.

Scooter Out.

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