Thursday, March 22, 2012


I'm thrilled to say that for the next few days, I won't be back at work!  I have this magical thing called vacation time.  Basically, I get paid to sleep till noon, sit on my ass all day, drink the GOOD tequila with my dad, and play with my little nephew.  I love vacation.  :)

An update on daddy...  Today is (hopefully) his last chemotherapy treatment!  Woot!  After today, he gets re-evaluated to see if we can stop treatment or if he needs a few more.  I'm hoping it's over, but if a few more is what it takes to ensure that his Lymphoma is gone for good, then I'll take it.

I used to have a lot of guilt surrounding daddy's condition.  I blamed myself.  I know that sounds crazy, but it's true.  Now, I won't lie, I'd rather it have been me instead of him, but maybe the outcome of this is going to be worth the trial.  I think daddy may have made his peace with God.  He hasn't said so, but I think he may have.  To me, that is the sweetest blessing that could have come out of any curse.

My life has changed quite dramatically since the beginning of this blog.  I know that I'm a bit snark and sarcastic on here, but in all actuality, these past few months have documented a vast amount of personal growth.  I'm predominantly happy with my life as it stands.  The few things I'm not thrilled about... Well... God's timing is perfect and they'll change when He sets His plans for change in motion.  For now, I'm just waiting and praying.  :)

Well, I'm getting paged that breakfast is served.  :)  Gotta love grandpas!  I'll post pictures and other silly and fun things from my week of vacation!

Scooter Out.

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