Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lottery Madness

Yesterday, America went nuts with lottery madness.  With a jackpot of $640 million dollars, why not??  You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

The jackpot sum was the largest in world history, and you have a 1 in 176 million chance of winning.  Basically, I have a better shot at being struck by lighting than winning the lottery.  But that didn't stop me from spending my $25 on lottery tickets!  :P

Well, somebody that God smiled on won.  If this person is the only jackpot winner, and they take the lump sum of cash, they will receive $462 million.  Uncle Sam has to take his share, you know.   I really hope this person does NOT fall into the category of 85% of lottery winners who are bankrupt within 3 - 5 years....  That would be really freaking sad.  In all honesty, I don't get how on earth you blow that much money that fast. 

Me.... If I won... I'd give some to my mom, some to my dad, donate to a few charities, and then disappear.  Lol.  Nobody would ever find me.  I'd travel the world and keep my winnings a complete secret from everyone.  Once I saw the world (or the parts of it I wanna see) I'd settle in a small town somewhere and live out the rest of my life (hopefully with a spouse and children) in tranquility.  :) 

On the up side of things, my mom just text me.  Out of the $640 million we COULD have won, we won $7.  :P  I think that means we got 2 or 3 numbers right.  Lol!!  I can buy 28 gum balls!!!!  Life is GOOD!

So my question to all my rabid readers is this:
If you won the lottery, what would you do?  I can't wait to read the answers!

Scooter Out.

1 comment:

  1. I would pay off all my debts, as well as my parents' and brothers debts. I'd buy my mum and dad the little farm they've always wanted...and then I'd do the same as you, I'd travel and keep it all a secret. Go wherever the wind blew me next. Maybe have a small flat in London. Nothing ostentatious. Just live simply and write. =D
