Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 9

for those of you who don't know, I'm quite a lover of nature.  I can find things outside that inspire me to be creative or just remind me how close God really is to us.  While outside on my break just now, I was wondering around the edge of the property near some trees ans saw this:

I love deer.  I think they're majestic and beautiful, and this one had to be huge because this print is about the size of my hand!  It was just a joy to see this and be reminded how close nature is to us.  I hate that most people don't notice little things like this and take joy in it.  I may have a child-like view of things, but isn't that more fun in the end?  The colorful world of your childhood can only fade if you let it.  Keep it alive in your heart and take joy in little things that most people go along without noticing.  That is my challenge to you, my readers.  :)

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