Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Desire Coffee

Six in the morning is too dang early to go to work.  Why do they insist upon making all of us haul our sorry carcasses out of bed and come in so early?  If my super hadn't insisted on building this stupid wall we'd have enough room for some extra cubes so we could have more keyers so we could work normal hours!! 

Then again, I like getting paid for overtime.  Maybe I'm just whining today.  That's it!  I'm whining.  Whining can be fun sometimes.  But in the end it usually solves nothing and makes people want to punch you in the face.  So why am I whining?  Because everybody whines to me about their problems, so now it's my turn!  MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *in case you didn't know.... that was my evil laugh*

Soft puffy mints are a thing of beauty.  Not too minty.  Not too hard.  Just perfect.  I should invest in about 30 or 40 bags of these.  Then again, I'd probably make myself sick eating all 30 or 40 bags all at one time.  I have no self control.  None.  Well.... Some.  But not when it comes to puffy minty candies.

I think I'm at the point of just rambling now.  Probably not a good thing.  I'm really random.  I might make people think that I need to be in a padded room.  Actually, I probably do.  In one of those self-esteem boosting coats that make you hug yourself all day.  Those look fun.  :)

I wonder who the first person was who looked at a cow and thought "I think I'll squeeze these dangley things and drink whatever comes out"...  I mean really..... Cow udders look gross.

Ugh....  Meeting with my boss.  I was just informed that I'm on ten hour shifts every day till further notice.  Woot for the pay.  Not woot for my brain.  It's going to go all fuzzy and explody and stuff.

Has anyone ever wondered where on earth some of the food we eat came from.  I mean.... Think of it this way:

People actually eat this. 
Not because they're on Fear Factor or Survivor.
Because they want to.

This is called balut. 
It's a fertilized duck egg with a nearly developed embryo.
This is considered a delicacy.

Enough said.

Take a LIVE bat and force it into a vat of steaming milk.
Once cooked, remove, chop up, serve in soup.

This actually didn't look so bad.  Till I read what it was.
The fallopian tubes of female frogs.  Jellied and sweetened.

Hmmm....  Didn't mean for this to turn into a food blog.  All I'm really trying to say is I.NEED.COFFEE!!!

That's all I'm really trying to say.  But I suppose I may have also ruined a few appetites.

And no offense to anyone that actually eats this stuff.  I'm just saying that it looks and sounds nasty.

I still don't have coffee.

Well... I suppose I'll stop whining now.  But before I go I have 2 other things that I really need to stress to you guys.

All dogs should wear socks.

All porcupines should drink coffee.

That's pretty much all my random little brain has for you right now.  OH!  If you haven't already done it, check this out!!  Do it now!!!

Scooter Out.


  1. When it is rainy or snowy we put booties on our dog, and she does that exact same walk. We can barely make it to the grass for rolling on the floor gripping our sides in laughter!!

    And all those "delicacies".... NASTY!!!

    W. :)

    1. I put socks on my dog last night. Imagine a 95 pound dog doing that walk. BAHAHAHAHA!!!!

      And all that food.... Super ick. Lol. :P

      I still think porcupines should all drink coffee.
