Saturday, January 28, 2012

Days 16 and 17... My Job In A Nutshell

I know I didn't post anything I was grateful for yesterday, and the more I thought about it, I realized that I'm just flat out grateful for my job.  Sometimes it's dull and sometimes it's a pain in the bum, but, all-in-all, I'm grateful for it.

I kinda wanted to explain my job.  In case anyone was curious about what I do and stuff.

I work for a rather small remittance company that's a vendor to an insurance giant.  Now that that means is, this big insurance company decided "Hey, we don't wanna do our mail intake or remittance processing anymore.  Let's employ another company to do it."  So, technically, I'm an employee of an employee of a huge company.  Employeeception?  Perhaps.

My department is the Remittance Processing Services Data Entry Department.  RPS Data Entry for short.  The long way sounds more important and pompous, though.  :P  Basically what I do is sit in a small cubicle (seriously.... I can't eve stretch my arms out all the way...) all day long and stare at checks on a computer that has 2 screens and, using my magical "Policy Finding" program, I manually post payments.  But only after I play God for long enough to decide where each payment should go.  That's all.  I post payments all day.

There's other departments here, too.  I couldn't begin to tell you what they all do.  The only other one I'm really familiar with is the mail room.

Now, what they do is take in all the mail, sort it by type, open it, then send it to imaging where they take pictures of it and that's when I get it.  Sound fun?  Yea.... Not really.  :P 

Now I think the only part of my job that sucks really hardcore is getting errors.  That happens when I send money to the wrong account (you send in a check and I post that money to somebody else's account) or when I type the wrong amount (you send in a check for $20 and I key it for $200) or something along those lines.  See, I'm only allowed so many of those per month or I get in trouble.  And that's not good.

Now, for any of you who are considering a career in the fine are or remittance, let me warn you... Holidays are few and far between.  In my company the only 2 days were guaranteed off per year are Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  But if you don't care about that... Then it's just a FABULOUS field to work in.  So get your resumes up to date and work on your ten-keying skills and apply at your local remittance company TODAY!!

Scooter Out.

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