Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Trip Pics

So, for the past five days, I was on a trip away from home visiting my dad.  He's doing pretty good and responding to chemo well.  He has four more treatments left and then they re-evaluate to see if his cancer is completely gone or if we need to continue treatment.  He's been such a rock through all of this.  I'm amazed by him.

Anyways... I took a few pictures while I was going about my day-to-day activities on my trip, and I'd like to share them with you guys.

This was taken at the place where daddy gets his chemo.  This guy and his mom were in there with us and we all became fast friends and started talking and playing dress-up.  :) 

Once daddy was finished with his treatment, he and I went to the Guitar Center.  I saw this guitar and wanted it.  BAD.  Lol!  But I couldn't afford it, so I took a picture and settled for that. 

Daddy.  Doing what he loves most.  :)

You give a baby a box full of toy cars and what does he play with?  The box.  Oh, well.  I guess nephews are supposed to be cute that way.

Sister and nephew watching "Bubble Guppies".  Educational?  Maybe.  Still not sure about that one.

"MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!  Now I have the remote!!!  ...Wait...What do all these buttons do???" 

I know this will probably cause a problem later, but it beats him screaming his lungs out.  The only way we could get my nephew to nap was like this.  Gotta love it.  :)

I'm sensing a pattern here.  But I can't help myself.  I love sleeping baby pics and it's my blog, so get over it, haters!  Besides.... He's cute.  ♥

Okay... I have to brag on myself some.  The little hat my nephew is wearing?  Yea.  I made that.  Done bragging now!

Friday night, me and my sister decided we wanted to cook dinner.  We put the baby to bed early, cranked up the grill and drank a few beers.  While in the middle of grilling fish, I happened to look up and see this sign.  I've known it was there for years, but it always makes me giggle.  I just wanted to share the humor with you!

Okay, guys, I swear this is the last cute nephew pic!  But we pulled his hair on top of his head and spiked it straight up.  No more than five minutes later, it had become the adorable little poof you see here. 

And last but not least.... This is Charlie.  Charlie's owners packed up and moved away and left him behind.  Then he was hit by a car.  A neighbor of my dad's found him, took him to the vet, paid for all of his treatments, shots, and to have him fixed, and spent almost a month looking for a good home for him.  I'm happy to report that Charlie has found a home with a good friend of mine.  He's happy and loved and well taken care of.  Don't you just love a happy ending?  :D

Scooter Out.

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