Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 18

Hmmm.... It appears that I failed to post something I was grateful for yesterday.  In all honesty, I really don't think this exercise is going to last all year.  I thought it would take the entire year to make me learn to be grateful for my job, but I've already reached that point.  Soooo.... I'm thinking of cutting this exercise off.  Still not quite sure though.

I've always been grateful for (most of) the people I worked with and for the days I was able to go home early or not be overly stressed about meeting a Service Level Agreement.  But now I'm just grateful to have this job.  It's an easy job at which I am very good.  Sure, it may have given me carpal tunnel, but I'll live through that.  :P

I told myself when I got this job that I'd keep it through my college education.  Well, now that there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it's looking to be two years or less until I graduate, I think that may be a realistic goal.  Now, when I go after my Master's, that may be a different story.  It depends on if I decide to move for that or not.  For now, I'm here and I'm committing myself to this job.  I was blessed in getting it.

So.... For now, I'm going to take a break from my daily grateful blogs.  I may pick it back up later, but for now.... I'm done.

Scooter Out.


  1. You'll still blog daily though, right? D:

    I've been doing some stuff, which is why I haven't posted anything lately. But I have an excuse and I'll post soon :P

    1. Lol. Yes, I'll still blog. It won't be the end of "Open Your Mind Before You Open Your Mouth". Promise. :)
