Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Going To Whine So Deal With It

It's not even 7am and I'm at work.  I therefore feel like whining so just deal with it.

I have heartburn that's trying to crack my sternum into pieces.  I have NO idea what gave it to me because I've only eaten my Special K bar so far today.  But, either way, I'm sitting in my cube working with one hand and clutching my heart that I'm sure is going to explode at any second with the other.  People are kinda looking at me like "Ummm.... Wtf??"

Being that I'm a carrier for Staph, any small cut or pimple or anything that breaks the surface of my skin can turn into a raging infection if I'm not careful.  And I do try to be careful.  I've taken I don't know how many horse pill sized antibiotics, I have to shower with hospital grade antibacterial body wash twice per week until I die.  It's that stuff they give you before you have surgery and tell you to bathe with.  It dries my skin out and makes me itch like mad.  But I seem to have cut myself shaving two days ago and the cut is already starting to look red and slightly gross.  So me, peroxide, and Neosporin are all becoming fast friends.  I REALLY don't want to have to deal with going to the Dr. to have a massive nasty puss-filled infection thing lanced.  It hurts.  Sorry if that grossed anyone out.  I told you I was whining....

I am allergic to.... Pretty much everything.  You know that nerdy kid that you probably were disgusted by in elementary school who was always sneezing or wheezing and had the ever-present pack of Kleenex on their desk?  Yup... That was me.  Still is to an extent.  It sucks.  But anyways, a big thing I'm allergic to is perfumes, air fresheners and the like.  But I guess some people don't think to ask "Does anyone have asthma or allergies" before they spray 6 squirts of a VERY strong air freshener in an enclosed room.  Before I knew it I was coughing and wheezing and had to remove myself for a few moments.  It's still a bit challenging for me in the breathing department at this current time.  But I'm not dead yet so I think I'll be fine.

But on the up-side, I just got a good hug from a co-worker of mine who smells stupidly sexy.  So I think my day may be looking up.  :P

I don't usually indulge in whining but I decided that it was appropriate for now.  I'm sure the starving children in Africa that my mom used to guilt-trip me with when I didn't want to eat her dry and stiff pork chops are having a worse day than me.  But then again.... Perhaps not...

Scooter Out.


  1. I LOVE PEOPLE WHO SMELL STUPIDLY SEXY! Of course, they usually have to peel me off of them and then the restraining orders start...

    I hope you feel better! I know what it is like, with the staph thing...all too well!

  2. Staph bites the flaming donkey weenie. Lol. And people who smell stupidly sexy are quite difficult to resist. I have to mentally force myself to not jump on them. :P

  3. Smelling stupidly sexy. That is possibly the best way I have ever heard someone put to words the phenomenon of someone... well... smelling stupidly sexy. :P

    I'm so sorry about all your allergies D:

    Also, I may of had to google what Staph was... :P

    1. Allergies are no big deal, really. I was just whining. :P But I must say, having my dreams of being an equine vet crushed because a horse can sent me in to anaphylactic shock in about 20 minutes kinda sucked. Then again.... HELLO TEACHING CAREER!!! I will be the grammar nazi that all students hate and despise!!!! Woot!

  4. Poor you. (Gives hug, pats you on head, and strokes hair.) I hope you are feeling much better.

    Isn't amazing how scent can affect all your tingly parts?

    W. :)

    1. Lol! Yes. It is. I have to be careful with sprays, perfumes, candles, any kind of air freshener (plug in, gel cone things, etc.), inscense, and if anyone brings that scented powder junk you sprinkle on the carpet before you vaccume into my home, I will beat them with sticks. :D I'm such a bundle of joy. :P
