Friday, February 17, 2012

Am I Wrong For Having My Own Opinions?

You may think that I'm a stubborn opinionated bitch, but this is my blog and I will post my thoughts on it regardless of what anyone else says or thinks.  If you don't like it, don't read it.

I am a woman.  I have a brain.  I have a mouth.  I have opinions.  And I will voice them.  I'm not a quiet-respectful-don't-misbehave-do-what-your-husband-tells-you-ask-no-questions-barefoot-and-pregnant-in-the-kitchen kind of woman.  I never have been.  I never will be. 

I'm compassionate.
I'm smart.
I'm independent.
I'm loving.
I'm strong.
I'm forgiving.
I'm a bit naive at times.
I cry.
I laugh.
I love.
I give.
I live.
I will not be brought down.  Especially by others of my gender.
I believe in the Bible.  But I also believe my own convictions.
I love God.  But I also love the people I have in this life.
I am not a stereotype.

Stop trying to categorize me.  It can't be done.  Don't tell me I'm wrong because my beliefs are different than yours.  And don't tell me I need to "pray about it" if you don't even care to understand why I think the way I do.  I have reasons for the way I think.  If you don't like it, then don't be a part of my life. 

I am me.  Nobody else.  I..... Have made the decision to reveal my name.  Why not?  I like my name.  And it's who I am. 

*Name reveal coming soon!* 
Anyone (except Jack!!!) who cares to venture a guess at it.... Go for it!!  :D

Scooter Out


  1. Hellz yeah! I love this. I love awesome ladies who aren't afraid to be themselves and speak their mind...and you are definitely one!

  2. You GO, girl! This is a total affirmation post, and I just bookmarked it so I can go reread it and make myself feel stronger when I'm feeling down, because I know that's exactly what these kinds of reaffirmations can do. Thanks for writing. =)

  3. I'll follow in Ruby's vein and post my name, though I'm pretty sure I've posted it already somewhere on my blog. It's Stephen Clare. Stephen with a ph, because I think it's prettier than a v.

    And there's no i in Clare. It's not Claire. Those two cardinal rules of spelling my name must be observed or else I will have to skin you and wear you as a coat.

    Also, I just categorize you as Scooter. As for what your actual name is...

    Hurmm. You strike me as a... Trudy. Or a Leanne.

    Actually, you don't strike me as anything other than Scooter. And I loved this post. Loved it with many warm fuzzies.

  4. Thanks everyone! :D I'm glad ya'll liked my post! Your comments gave me the warm fuzzies deep in my heart.

    *hugs to all*

  5. Loved it!!! You be you.

    I can't even venture a guess to your name. But I am interested to know.

    My name is Wendy Whitley. Tho' that is not my birth name, nor my married name. Birth name Slater, married name Marrero. Adopted by my stepfather at age 4. Kept it.

    W. :)
