Thursday, February 23, 2012

Let's Talk About The F- Word

Family.  Yup!  Family.  What did you think I meant??

If I live to be 100 I don't think I will ever be able to understand or describe the family dynamic.  Predominantly because it differs with each individual and how they were raised. 

Families are ever-changing.  People are born.  People die.  People get married.  People get divorced.  You meet new friends and consider them family.  And let's not forget pets!

In my house, it's me, my mom, my step-dad, Remington (my dog) and Gretchen (my mom's dog).  I used to have Hokey, Pokey (hamsters) and Peanut (beta fish) but they've all passed on now.  So I have plants.  Lots of them.

Anyways...  As far as my house goes, I consider us all family.  There are times when I don't like my step-dad, but most of the time we're good. 

My mom's side of the family is pretty small.  It's just 2 uncles, 3 cousins, and 1 second cousin (child of cousin).  I'm the oldest grandchild and both grandparents have passed on.  Both aunts have divorced out of the family, so it's just that little bunch. 

I don't really care to acknowledge my step-dad's family.  Mainly for two reasons... 1) They don't like me and I don't like them.  They think I'm stuck up and I think most of them are white trash.  2)  There's so many of them that I don't know everyone's names and frankly don't care to know.  But, I'll put it this way.... Grandma Mae had 10 kids.  Each of those kids has about 2 or 3 kids.  Each of those kids (except me) has at least one kid (WAY too young, too) and there's a myriad of boyfriends, baby daddies, baby mamas, girlfriends, and current spouses (only to be annulled next month) floating around.  I always make sure I take about 4 shots before I encounter them at Christmas.  And then I leave as soon as I can.  

My dad and my step-mom live in Atlanta.  My step-mom has 3 kids; 2 girls, 1 boy.  My brother is married and expecting his second (their first) child next month.  A boy.  My middle sister is married with one son and they're about to move it Indiana like idiots for reasons I can't even begin to comprehend because they're so inanely stupid.  My oldest sister has a son and a baby daddy.  She's about to move out of my dad's house (again) into a ratty apartment on the bad bad side of town.  God bless her.  And that child.  It's gonna take a miracle for that kid to not turn out like his father.

Daddy has a brother and a sister and I love them both dearly.  My aunt breeds Siberian Huskies and is a radio dj.  My uncle.... I'm not sure what he does for work.  I just know he plays bass like you wouldn't believe.  Both are married.  My aunt has no children and my uncle has 2.  I'm the oldest biological grandchild on that side.  :)

I don't know much about my step-mom's family.  I know her parents are still living and she has a brother and an identical twin sister.  But I've only met her brother and sister.  She hates her mother.  Apparently she's really mean.

As far as people in my life that I consider family goes.... I have quite a handful of those.  :)  I love my friends dearly and they know it.  Or at least I hope they do.  I even love my friends I've made online via Facebook and, of course, BlogSpot.  :)

Well, lovelies, till next time....

*Name reveal coming soon!* 
Anyone (except Jack!!!) who cares to venture a guess at it.... Go for it!!  :D

Scooter Out.