Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Feel The Need To Write About Something Intellectually Stimulating...

But I really have no idea as to what.  How peanut butter was invented?  Monogamous penguin relationships?  The history of the yo-yo?  WHAT??? 

If anyone has an intellectually stimulating topic they would like me to blog about, let me know and I'll do it!!

Scooter Out.


  1. I wish I could offer an intellectual topic... but I mean, it's me.

    Intellectual? Pfft.

    You're digging in the wrong hole. :P

    1. Lol!! Oh come on! You can take apart your computer and effectively put it back together!! That's intellectual!

  2. How about how the Federal appeals court has ruled Prop 8 in Cali unconstitutional?!? Whoot whoot!!! If the Supreme Court can uphold this ruling, that means may more states will not be able to have these stupid bans on marriage equality!

    W. :)
