Thursday, April 26, 2012



That is all.  :)

Scooter Out!

Day 7: What Is The Best Song You've Heard Lately?

Well, my dears, we've come to the end of my blogging challenge.  Day 7.  

I listen to a lot of music.  I listen to music all day while I'm at work.  I listen to it while I'm in the car.  I listen to it while I'm in the shower.  

You get it.

So when it comes to the best song I've heard lately, I've decided to divide it into genres.  

Best Country Song I've Heard Lately:

Best Rock Song I've Heard Lately: 

 Best Oldies Song I've Heard Lately:

Best Christian Song I've Heard Lately:

Best Funny Song I've Heard Lately:

I think that pretty much covers it, guys.  Hope you enjoyed my 7 Day Blogging Challenge!!

Scooter Out. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 6: If You Could Eat Anything Right Now What Would It Be?

If I could eat anything what would it be...?  Well... I'm not entirely sure.  I've a list of favorite things I enjoy eating.

But I suppose if I could have one thing it would be my Paw-paw's home made strawberry ice cream.  :)  It was always the best.

I sure do miss it.  

Scooter Out.

Day 5: What's The Best Thing You've Penned This Week?

Hmmm....  That's kind of a challenging question.  A challenge within a challenge!!  Challengeception??  WE NEED TO GO DEEPER!!!!

To be perfectly honest, the amount I write varies depending upon what I'm going through at the time.  When life is presenting difficulties, I tend to write more.  Lately, things have been predominantly okay.  But I'll go ahead and post the most recent thing I've written.  Hope that's okay with you guys!

Clouds roll in
Blinding my eyes to all that is good
Darkness creeps in
I am alone
The rain starts
Pounding my soul to the ground
The wind howls
I am afraid
Lightning flashes
Illuminating those who would hurt me
Their demon claws scrape my flesh
I am screaming
Thunder rolls
Drowning my cries for mercy
But there is one who hears
The wind shifts
I am asleep
My dreams dance playfully through my mind
I am safe
Early morning dawns bright and clear

So....  Yea.  That's my most recently written piece.  Enjoy!

Scooter Out.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Fascinating Life Of Scooter

My life is so fascinating.  I do many interesting things.  Let me show you!

 First thing this morning I had a peanut butter sandwich.

 Then I watched my dog wiggle on her back and make funny faces.

 After giggling at my dog, I pulled out my afghan and worked on it for a while.

 Then I decided to read for a while.  These are my super cute reading glasses.  :)

 Today was laundry day.  Me and mom took down her curtains and washed them.  They looked so good when we put them back up!

 Laundry day tends to make my bathroom look like a laundry mat.

Just a few minutes ago, I plugged in our super amazing palm tree and I'm now relaxing on the sofa blogging.  

 That's the normal life of Ella!  I told you it was fascinating.  :P

Scooter Out. 

Day 4: What's Your Weirdest Habit?

Hmmm...  I have a lot of weird habits.  Nail-biting, nose-picking, burping in public, scratching my ass at Wal-Mart...  Those kind of things.  The stuff normal people do.

I suppose my oddest habit would be how I get out of my car.  I have to do everything in a specific order and if somebody funks my fung...  I get a bit touchy.  Lol.  This is the order I do things in:

  1. Come to a complete stop.
  2. Activate emergency brake.
  3. Put car in park.
  4. Set radio volume to 5 and turn it off.
  5. Turn off air/heat.
  6. Roll up windows (if they're down)
  7. Turn off the car.
  8. Unlock the doors.
  9. Get out.
It's always those things and always in that order.  I'm not sure if I'm OCD or not...  >_>;

But I guess that's my weirdest habit.  I think.  If I think of anything else, I'll update.  

Scooter Out.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 3: Do You Collect Anything?

Do I collect anything....  Well.  YESSS!!!  Lol!  My dad's side of the family...  We're all collectors.  All of us.  My Grandfather collects Novelty Radios.  Like this:

 I can personally attest to the fact that these are both radios.

He and my step mom partnered together and decided to write a book that features about 300-400 radios from his personal collection.  That's only a fraction of what he actually has.  He's got almost 2,000.  Lol!

Daddy collects Pillsbury Dough Boy stuff.  

My Uncle collects Snoopy.

My Aunt collects Siberian Husky stuff.

As for me...  I collect a few different things.  I haven't really found something I really really REALLY love.  Yet.

I collect glass liquor bottles.  Musical (the wind-up kind) snow globes.  Raggedy Ann and Andy.  

I really want to get into owls.  I LOVE owls.  :)  They make me happy.  I just don't shop much.  Especially not for myself.  I was brought up thinking that spending money on myself is a big taboo.  

So, I collect a few things.  But I haven't quite found my niche.  Still working on that.

Scooter Out.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 2: What Flavor Macaroon Would You Most Want To Eat?

In all honesty, I have never tried a macaroon.  I would like to, but I never have.

I know that there are several kinds...  French, Belgian, etc.  From what I understand, they come in a TON of flavors.  French macaroons come in flavors like chocolate, strawberry, banana pudding, peanut butter, vanilla bean, pistachio, mint....  It's crazy the flavors the come in.  


Scooter Out.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 1: What Would You Wear In A Zombie Apocalypse?

Today's topic should be fun!  What would you wear in a zombie apocalypse??  Ruby, you should like this one.  :)

Considering the zombie apocalypse is inevitable, I suppose I should be considering such things as this.  I've thought of a bug-out bag, a bug-out plan, the people I'd take with me, and the weapons I'd like to learn to use so I can take them with me.  But I've never thought of what I'd wear.  I decided to use my friend Google to assist me in seeing what women in zombie movies wear.  My results were as follows:

From what I see, women in zombie movies tend to wear tight-fitting clothing.  Or mini skirts.  Or both.  See, I'm thinking something different.  Perhaps I'm just on a Hunger Games kick, but I'm thinking something along the lines of what Katniss Everdeen wore in the arena.  The first time, anyways.  Something like this:

But perhaps instead of pants like that, maybe jodhpurs.  Maybe.  But I will admit to liking those pants...  *girl moment*

Anyways, the Zombie Survival Guide says that short hair and tight clothes are both keys to the survival of your own pathetic ass.  But I'm refusing to cut my hair off.  I'll just tie it in a French knot at the base of my neck.  Those hold well.  Quite well.

So that's what I'm thinking as far as what I would wear for the impending zombie apocalypse.  :)

Scooter Out.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

7 Day Blogging Challenge!

So, I had a few friends ask me the most random questions they could think of, and out of those questions was born the idea for a 7 Day Blogging Challenge!

The rules are simple...  Every day for 7 days I will write a blog answering one of the following random questions:

What would you wear in a zombie apocalypse?
What flavor macaroon would you most want to eat?
Do you collect anything?
What's your weirdest habit?
What's the best thing you've pinned this week?
If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Best song you've heard lately?
I have such wonderfully random friends...
The challenge starts tomorrow!!!  Woot!
Scooter Out.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mad-Lib Stories

My friend e-mail each other Mad-Lib style stories.  Here are two of my favorites.  :P  Whatever is in bold is what was added by us into the story.

Rock to the face

David Wheeler was just five years old when the huge incident occurred. There was a beautiful, young child playing on the beach in front of him, completely unaware of his funny predator, creeping up on him from the rocks. David looked around for a weapon. There was a ugly rock just begging to be picked up. David stole it from where it sat and studied it carefully. It was blue and stupid and would be perfect for throwing at the unsuspecting child. He quickly lobbed it at his victim, hitting him in the face, and causing him to stagger backwards, before he fell face down in the water. David loped. What to do? He could jump, or he could run away... David decided that his best option would be to sing about the place until he could think of a better plan. He screamed this way and that, before finally realizing the solution to the problem. He legged it, never to return to the scene of the crime. Thirteen years later, David was in C25, working at his computer. When he heard a sudden cry, "wow!" David whirled around to see to his horror, the ghost of a five year old child, now much shorter than him. The child's face was concave, and scarred all over with small cuts and his skull was clearly cracked. "no way!" yelled David. Maggie and Mr. Big tried to help, but it was no use. The ghost child was attacking David with a rock, and David could not fight back against the undead. Finally, Madame managed to prize the child away from David. Creepy sue, who turned out to be an exorcist, cast the ghost away, but it was too late for David, he was mentally scarred with the play guilt of his crime, and the never ending sound of the drowning child.

Magic Afoot!

Once upon a time, there was a young plate named Annabelle who lived in a magical town called Lukeville. The reason this town was so magical was because of a giant rock that lived in the caves beneath the homes and shops and mirrors. Every morning, it would run quickly towards the center of town and sprinkle buttons as it went. As you can imagine, these sprinklings gave the town a special sort of charm. In fact, it did more than that! It gave the residents lovely powers. Some children could scream silently. Others could jump gleefully. Now, our hero of the story was play friends with the giant. Every hole, the two would hang out and talk about being superballs in a world where magic wasn't a commonplace thing. But what sort of world would that be? They wondered. oh no! The giant cried. Why don't we refuse find out? He pulled out a green bag of special sprinkles, jogged some in the beach and away they went. When they zipped on the other side, they looked at each other in surprise. Instead of a child and a giant, they were 27 sweet sheep! They shivered about the new world, exploring and saving poor mice from stars. What a good day, they agreed. And decided to come back to this world every 5,876 Sunday of the month to fry and poke. Who knows when you might be meeting a giant and magical child in disguise!

Scooter out.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Once a relationship I'm in ends, I have a tendency to set everything ablaze.  I have a ceremonial burning of the.... Everything.  Letters.  Stuffed animals.  Flowers.  Everything.  Or so I thought.

Last night, I couldn't sleep.  So I was cleaning out an old drawer I haven't opened in I don't know how long when I saw it.  An old folded up piece of paper with handwriting on it.  Her handwriting.... Christina.  I'm very convinced that my heart stopped.

On the outside in blue pen were the words "Para Tu".  I thought very seriously of taking out to the grill and burning it.  But my heart screamed at me.  I had to know what it contained.  I sat down and read that letter. 

Once my ability to breathe and see through the blinding tears and the pain in my chest, I took the letter outside and burned it.  As it was engulfed by the flames, I thought of the damage I did in her life.  Has it really been so many years since That Summer?  I still long for the forgiveness I know I'll never get.

Then I thought of the pain that one little piece of paper had caused me just then.  I wondered if somewhere she's happy.  Loved.  Fulfilled.  Cared for in a way that I was too young and too stupid to do for her.  I hope so. 

I thought of my boyfriend.  My sweet, loving, moderately innocent boyfriend who loves me in spite of my flaws and insanity.  I thought of how I scared him and probably hurt his feelings last week.  My mom's words of "don't you hurt that boy" rang in my head. 

I stared at the last few words on the page as the fire consumed the last tangible memory I had of That Summer... "My heart and my home will always feel so empty without you."  I mourn those words because I know they're no longer true.  Christina hates me now.  I ruined so much for her.

As the last few embers died, I shut the grill and turned to go inside.  I could have sworn just then I caught a whiff of her on the night air.  The smell almost knocked me to my knees as a flood of memories I've kept back for so long hit me like a sack of bricks. 

I went inside, crawled into my bed, pulled a pillow over my face, and proceeded to sob.  Uncontrollably.  I let out everything that I've been holding back from That Summer four years ago.  I cried gut-wrenching sobs over the pain I caused.  The pain I felt.  The regret I still feel.  I cried for Ashley.  I cried for Christina.  I cried for the dozens of others I hurt by hurting both of those women.  And last but not least, I cried for myself.  For my idiocy.  For not realizing what I had when I had it and for being so stupid as to throw it away.

I'm not sure how long I cried.  I only know, that when my alarm went off this morning, I was still exhausted.  My face was still red and puffy.  My eyes a swollen mess.  My hair still in the ponytail I'd pulled it into the night before.  My pillow was still damp.  But I got up.  I got up and pieced myself together and came to work.  Christina followed me.  She's been dancing through my mind all day.  Nothing I can do will shake her from my memories now. 

I'm not sure if the healing process started four years ago and I just reversed back to the beginning, or if it has just started.  I only know that in my heart I know I'm not the girl I was back then.  And I refuse to ever let myself be her again.

It's funny how much can start and end with nothing more than an old letter.

Scooter Out.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dear Scarlett Pomers....

Dear Scarlett Pomers,

This is me informing you that I've got a....

That is all.

Scooter Out.

Holy Bunnies, It's Easter!!

Well, perhaps not today, but tomorrow is.  And since I'll be busy tomorrow hiding at my boyfriend's apartment dying eggs and watching TV, I'll go ahead and post this now!!

I thought this image was a bit more appropriate considering that this is supposed to be a Christian holiday.  But with bunnies.  EVERYTHING is more fun with bunnies!  I mean... Come on!  Fluffy tails and long ears and twitchy noses....  What's not to love??  :D

But it did get me wondering.... How the hell do you get colored eggs and bunnies out of the resurrection of Jesus?  I asked my mom this and she said "Shut up, Ella, that's a stupid question."  I love getting my questions answered.....

Daddy didn't know, so I decided to ask the one thing that would always point me in the right direction....  GOOGLE!!

There's no story in the Bible about a long-eared, cotton-tailed creature known as the Easter Bunny. Neither is there a passage about young children painting eggs or hunting for baskets overflowing with scrumptious Easter goodies.  And I'm pretty sure that bunnies don't lay eggs.  Just saying....

Why are these traditions so ingrained in Easter Sunday? And what do they have to do with the resurrection of Jesus?

Well, nothing.

Bunnies, eggs, Easter gifts and fluffy, yellow chicks in gardening hats all stem from pagan roots. These tropes were incorporated into the celebration of Easter separately from the Christian tradition of honoring the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

The origin of the celebration of Easter (and the origin of the Easter bunny) can be traced back to 13th century, pre-Christian Germany, when people worshiped several gods and goddesses. The Teutonic deity Eostra was the goddess of spring and fertility, and feasts were held in her honor on the Vernal Equinox. Her symbol was the rabbit because of the animal’s high reproduction rate.

Spring also symbolized new life and rebirth. Eggs were an ancient symbol of fertility. According to, Easter eggs represent Jesus' resurrection. However, this association came much later when Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion in Germany in the 15th century and merged with already ingrained pagan beliefs.

The first Easter bunny legend was documented in the 1500s. By 1680, the first story about a rabbit laying eggs and hiding them in a garden was published. These legends were brought to the United States in the 1700s when German immigrants settled in Pennsylvania Dutch country.

The tradition of making nests for the rabbit to lay its eggs in soon followed. Eventually, nests became decorated baskets and colorful eggs were swapped for candy, treats and other small gifts.

So, while you're scarfing down chocolate bunnies (I hear chocolate is good for you!) and marshmallow chicks this Easter Sunday, think fondly of this holiday's origins, and maybe even impress your friends at your local Easter egg hunt!

Scooter Out.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Round 2

So, needless to say, my post about my sexuality issues deserves a bit of an update. 

I suppose trying to change your life is much like going through the stages of grief.  Let me explain...

Stage 1 - Shock and denial:
When somebody tells you that your whole way of life is wrong and sinful, it's a fucking shock!  After the initial shock wears off, you go into denial thinking "Fuck those religious bigots!!"  This stage can last a while.

Stage 2 - Pain and guilt:
The more you think about what was said to you, the more you hurt.  You feel guilty, like there's something wrong with you or like you did something bad.  The more you dwell on the pain, the more guilt you feel.

Stage 3 - Anger:
We all know anger.  You get pissed because you were basically made to feel like an abomination.  That blows.  So you get all pissy and blame Christians and the Bible and God and the church and then you just decide "Fuck them all!!" 

Stage 4 - Depression:
For me this stage lasted a while.  Actually..... I'm still going through it.  I still feel depressed at times.  And even mad still too.  I feel like there's nothing wrong with who I was, so why am I trying to make other people happy?  I'm miserable and the only thing I want to hear is something nobody will say to me.  So.... Yea.

I'm not gonna go through the rest of the stages.  There's 7 total and I could compare them all to how I feel right now.  Part of me wants to stand up and scream that there's nothing wrong with me.  Then, part of me feels like I need to live my life for God and all that jazz. 

The Bible calls homosexuality an abomination.  The Bible also says not to eat shellfish.  AND that it's okay to stone your kid to death. 

I guess the point I'm trying to make is.... I never felt like an abomination.  Till I started to fight who I was. 

Scooter Out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stars Who Look Like Animals

In honor of one of my favorite bloggers who has, as of late, taken a bit of a hiatus, I would like to post a blog of various stars who look like various animals. 


This is a sloth...............................This is Justin Beiber

This is a monkey.........................This is Larry King

This is Gary Busey....................This is a baboon

This is Niki Minaj.....................This is an orangutan

This is Snooki......................This is a jackass
I mean........Um......A donkey!   >_>;

This is a llama..........................This is Taylor Lautner
And in keeping with the original "star who looks like an animal", we have the infamous...

This is Sarah Jessica Parker......................This is a horse

And just in case that wasn't enough for you, here's a little joke!

Scooter Out.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So..... This is how the boyfriend story happened....

Once upon a time there was me.  I was TOTALLY content being a lesbian.

I went to church and I had lovely friends there who didn't really seem to care.  But I wasn't waving a banner about it or anything...  Just living my life.  But the more i got into the church, the more I was concerned that people would find out and judge me.

I started teaching the two-year-old class on Sunday mornings.  I loved it.  My life was good.  I had an amazing church, a classroom of kids I adored, and a fairly decent love life.  Things were going my way.

Then one day, I got a phone call from the head of children's ministry at the church saying she wanted to speak to me.  I knew before I even went to her office what it was about.

Long story short... I wasn't allowed to teach anymore.  Because of my "sinful homosexual lifestyle."  I love living in the Bible Belt. 

I decided I'd try to give up on being gay.  Those kids were my heart and worth it to me.

Needless to say, that's what I've been trying to do for a while.  I've read books from people who are "ex-gays that found God who showed them the way to a meaningful heterosexual lifestyle".  I've read my Bible.  I've prayed.  I've gone to conferences and counselors and withdrawn from several amazing friends of mine.  All for the sake of being able to teach a class of two-year-olds.

Anyone see some dedication here?

All this brings us to.... Charlie.  Charlie is a really awesome and sweet guy.  And I really do like him a lot.  I'd go as far as to say  I love him.  He knows I've always identified as gay.  And at this point I'm pretty sure he knows why I'm doing my best to not be.  But he also knows that it's still there.  He even offered to let me be with a woman because he knows that he doesn't create the same "spark" in me that a woman does.  Needless to say, he's a freaking great guy.  :)

But....  I'm still attracted to women.

So... Here I am.  I have a boyfriend.  A great boyfriend.  One any woman would be lucky to have.  And yet I am unsatisfied.  I love him dearly.  And yet i dream of women at night.  I care for him.  And yet I constantly have to stop myself from my normal way of thinking.

I think it's safe to say that my dedication to a teaching job for which I do not get paid is a bit too strong.

Now what?

I think it's safe to say.... I'm living a double life.

Scooter Out.