Monday, April 23, 2012

The Fascinating Life Of Scooter

My life is so fascinating.  I do many interesting things.  Let me show you!

 First thing this morning I had a peanut butter sandwich.

 Then I watched my dog wiggle on her back and make funny faces.

 After giggling at my dog, I pulled out my afghan and worked on it for a while.

 Then I decided to read for a while.  These are my super cute reading glasses.  :)

 Today was laundry day.  Me and mom took down her curtains and washed them.  They looked so good when we put them back up!

 Laundry day tends to make my bathroom look like a laundry mat.

Just a few minutes ago, I plugged in our super amazing palm tree and I'm now relaxing on the sofa blogging.  

 That's the normal life of Ella!  I told you it was fascinating.  :P

Scooter Out. 


  1. I have never had a peanut butter and/or jelly sandwich. In Ireland, we don't have peanut butter.

    Tl;dr: I hate you.


    1. No peanut butter?? O__O

      What sort of hell is that place???
