Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 1: What Would You Wear In A Zombie Apocalypse?

Today's topic should be fun!  What would you wear in a zombie apocalypse??  Ruby, you should like this one.  :)

Considering the zombie apocalypse is inevitable, I suppose I should be considering such things as this.  I've thought of a bug-out bag, a bug-out plan, the people I'd take with me, and the weapons I'd like to learn to use so I can take them with me.  But I've never thought of what I'd wear.  I decided to use my friend Google to assist me in seeing what women in zombie movies wear.  My results were as follows:

From what I see, women in zombie movies tend to wear tight-fitting clothing.  Or mini skirts.  Or both.  See, I'm thinking something different.  Perhaps I'm just on a Hunger Games kick, but I'm thinking something along the lines of what Katniss Everdeen wore in the arena.  The first time, anyways.  Something like this:

But perhaps instead of pants like that, maybe jodhpurs.  Maybe.  But I will admit to liking those pants...  *girl moment*

Anyways, the Zombie Survival Guide says that short hair and tight clothes are both keys to the survival of your own pathetic ass.  But I'm refusing to cut my hair off.  I'll just tie it in a French knot at the base of my neck.  Those hold well.  Quite well.

So that's what I'm thinking as far as what I would wear for the impending zombie apocalypse.  :)

Scooter Out.


  1. I have a visual response!!!!:

  2. YEEESSSSSS!!!!!! OMG YES!! I have a katana I want soooooo bad!!!
