Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 4: What's Your Weirdest Habit?

Hmmm...  I have a lot of weird habits.  Nail-biting, nose-picking, burping in public, scratching my ass at Wal-Mart...  Those kind of things.  The stuff normal people do.

I suppose my oddest habit would be how I get out of my car.  I have to do everything in a specific order and if somebody funks my fung...  I get a bit touchy.  Lol.  This is the order I do things in:

  1. Come to a complete stop.
  2. Activate emergency brake.
  3. Put car in park.
  4. Set radio volume to 5 and turn it off.
  5. Turn off air/heat.
  6. Roll up windows (if they're down)
  7. Turn off the car.
  8. Unlock the doors.
  9. Get out.
It's always those things and always in that order.  I'm not sure if I'm OCD or not...  >_>;

But I guess that's my weirdest habit.  I think.  If I think of anything else, I'll update.  

Scooter Out.

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