Friday, April 13, 2012

Mad-Lib Stories

My friend e-mail each other Mad-Lib style stories.  Here are two of my favorites.  :P  Whatever is in bold is what was added by us into the story.

Rock to the face

David Wheeler was just five years old when the huge incident occurred. There was a beautiful, young child playing on the beach in front of him, completely unaware of his funny predator, creeping up on him from the rocks. David looked around for a weapon. There was a ugly rock just begging to be picked up. David stole it from where it sat and studied it carefully. It was blue and stupid and would be perfect for throwing at the unsuspecting child. He quickly lobbed it at his victim, hitting him in the face, and causing him to stagger backwards, before he fell face down in the water. David loped. What to do? He could jump, or he could run away... David decided that his best option would be to sing about the place until he could think of a better plan. He screamed this way and that, before finally realizing the solution to the problem. He legged it, never to return to the scene of the crime. Thirteen years later, David was in C25, working at his computer. When he heard a sudden cry, "wow!" David whirled around to see to his horror, the ghost of a five year old child, now much shorter than him. The child's face was concave, and scarred all over with small cuts and his skull was clearly cracked. "no way!" yelled David. Maggie and Mr. Big tried to help, but it was no use. The ghost child was attacking David with a rock, and David could not fight back against the undead. Finally, Madame managed to prize the child away from David. Creepy sue, who turned out to be an exorcist, cast the ghost away, but it was too late for David, he was mentally scarred with the play guilt of his crime, and the never ending sound of the drowning child.

Magic Afoot!

Once upon a time, there was a young plate named Annabelle who lived in a magical town called Lukeville. The reason this town was so magical was because of a giant rock that lived in the caves beneath the homes and shops and mirrors. Every morning, it would run quickly towards the center of town and sprinkle buttons as it went. As you can imagine, these sprinklings gave the town a special sort of charm. In fact, it did more than that! It gave the residents lovely powers. Some children could scream silently. Others could jump gleefully. Now, our hero of the story was play friends with the giant. Every hole, the two would hang out and talk about being superballs in a world where magic wasn't a commonplace thing. But what sort of world would that be? They wondered. oh no! The giant cried. Why don't we refuse find out? He pulled out a green bag of special sprinkles, jogged some in the beach and away they went. When they zipped on the other side, they looked at each other in surprise. Instead of a child and a giant, they were 27 sweet sheep! They shivered about the new world, exploring and saving poor mice from stars. What a good day, they agreed. And decided to come back to this world every 5,876 Sunday of the month to fry and poke. Who knows when you might be meeting a giant and magical child in disguise!

Scooter out.

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